House Names in the UK

400+ House Names in the UK

In this post we will tell you How to select House Names in the UK. Naming a house in the United Kingdom is a delightful tradition that adds personality and individuality to your home. Naming your house in the UK is an artful blend of tradition, history, and personal expression. Your house’s name should encapsulate its essence, whether through the landscape, historical significance, architectural features, or personal passions.

By selecting a name that resonates with all these elements, you not only create a unique identity for your home but also ensure it tells a meaningful story, rooted in the cultural and natural tapestry of the United Kingdom. There are four primary factors to consider when choosing the perfect name, each rooted in the rich history and diverse landscapes of the UK.

Location and Landscape

The surroundings of your house play a pivotal role in determining its name. Consider the local geography and ecology. Homes by the sea may adopt names like “Coastal Haven” or “Seabreeze Cottage” to reflect their proximity to the ocean. Houses nestled in idyllic countryside settings often bear names such as “Meadowview Manor” or “Woodland Retreat,” celebrating their natural surroundings. Embracing the essence of your location ensures a name that resonates with both the house and its environment.

Historical Significance

Many houses in the UK boast historical significance, and this provides a rich source for naming inspiration. If your property has ties to a notable figure, event, or era, consider a name that pays homage to this heritage. For instance, a house linked to a historical personality could be named “Darwin’s Residence,” honoring Charles Darwin. Alternatively, homes in historically significant areas may adopt names like “Tudor Manor” to reflect their architectural history.

Architectural Features

The unique architectural attributes of your house can serve as a wellspring of naming creativity. If your abode features a prominent characteristic, consider using it as part of the name. For example, a house with charming gables may be named “Gablewood Cottage,” while a property with a thatched roof could be aptly dubbed “Thatch Haven”

Personal Connection

The name of your house should also reflect your personal connection and preferences. Consider your own interests, passions, and experiences. If you have a deep affection for a particular flower, like lilies, your house might become “Lily Cottage.”

House Names in the UK: List-1

Sr. No. Name of House Meaning
1 Hillcrest A hilly area
2 The Hollies Probably a place with trees
3 The Old Vicarage An old house for a vicar
4 Wye Wurri Not clear, could be a name
5 This Is It Indicates importance
6 Oaklands A place with oak trees
7 Yew Tree Cottage A cottage near yew trees
8 Owzitiz Not clear, might be a name
9 Jer Ni Zend Not clear, might be a name
10 Wayside A place by the road
11 Gillmont Not clear, could be a name
12 Fairways A place related to golf
13 Greenacres A place with green fields
14 Wanda Inn Likely an inn with “Wanda”
15 Oaklands A place with oak trees
16 The Wildflower Way A path with wildflowers
17 Wits End The end of one’s wit
18 Casa del X (surname) A house of someone with “X”
19 Conifers Trees with cones
20 Rose Cottage A cottage with roses
21 Elm Villa A villa with elm trees
22 Seaside Cottage A cottage by the sea
23 Cornerways A place with many corners
24 Rose Bank A bank with roses
25 Honeysuckle A place with honeysuckle
26 The Hideaway Cottage A hidden cottage
27 The Spinney A small wooded area
28 Bogaduk Not clear, could be a name
29 The Nook A small corner or recess
30 The Serenity House A peaceful house
31 Ohm Sweet Ohm A play on “Ohm” or home
32 The Ivory Tower A majestic tower
33 Tree Cottage A cottage near trees
34 The Topaz Bungalow A bungalow with topaz
35 Woodside A place by the woods
36 Spring Field A field in springtime
37 Station House A house near a station
38 Windy Bottom A place that’s windy
39 Bluebell Cottage A cottage with bluebells
40 Wee Hoose A small house
41 Gunnadoo Not clear, could be a name
42 Lilac A place with lilacs
43 The Sapphire Villa A villa with sapphires
44 Driftwood Villa A villa with driftwood
45 Wind Rush A rush of wind
46 Tether’s End The end of a tether
47 Lynwood A place with “lyn” or trees
48 Mill House A house near a mill
49 New House A new house
50 Bogg View A view of a bog
51 The Quartz Quarters Quarters with quartz
52 Lilac Cottage A cottage with lilacs
53 White Gates Gates that are white
54 Fair View A view that’s fair
55 The Pines A place with pine trees
56 Fine Hall A fine or elegant hall
57 Little Court A small courtyard or court
58 The White House A house that’s white
59 The Gables A place with gables
60 Crimble Cottage A cottage with “crimble”
61 Wood Side A side near the woods
62 Saulmyne Not clear, could be a name
63 The Old School An old school building
64 The Old Vicarage An old house for a vicar
65 The Dragon’s Lair A lair for a dragon
66 Primrose Cottage A cottage with primroses
67 The Onyx Abode An abode with onyx
68 Wye Wurry Not clear, could be a name
69 Sunshine and Smiles A cheerful place
70 OvertheHill Possibly a place on a hill
71 The Phoenix House A house named “Phoenix”
72 Saggy Springs Springs that sag
73 Allmodcons A place with modern conveniences
74 The Haven A haven or safe place
75 Oakhurst A place with oak trees
76 Bonkers May imply something crazy
77 Brook House A house near a brook
78 Home Farm A farm that’s a home
79 Four Winds A place with winds from four directions
80 GertbySea Not clear, could be a name
81 Primrose A place with primroses
82 Four Winds A place with winds from four directions
83 Emoh Ruo Not clear, may be a play on words
84 Badde Manors A play on “bad manners” or a place with a similar name
85 Binalong Way A way or path named “Binalong”
86 The Barn A barn for storage
87 Lakeside A place by a lake
88 The Silver Retreat A retreat with silver
89 Highfield A place on high ground
90 Hillcrest A hilly area
91 The Manor A grand or impressive house
92 Adition faw the kids Not clear, may be a name
93 Ersanmyne Not clear, could be a name
94 Old Rectory Cottage An old cottage near a rectory
95 Church Farm A farm near a church
96 The Chimneys A place with chimneys
97 Wildwood House A house in the wildwood
98 Justakot Possibly “just a cot,” a simple house
99 The Laurels A place with laurel trees
100 The Bluebird’s Nest A nest for bluebirds

House Names in the UK: List-2

Sr. N. Name of House Meaning
1 Fairfield A place with a fair atmosphere
2 Ivy Cottage A cottage with ivy plants
3 Nuthatch Cottage A cottage named after a bird
4 Shittington Lane A possibly humorous or peculiar lane name
5 The Crystal Chalet A chalet with a crystal theme
6 The Tiny Cottage A very small cottage
7 Wayside A place by the road
8 Orchard House A house with an orchard
9 Olde Post House An old house that used to be a post office
10 The Poplars A place with poplar trees
11 Nowherelse A humorous or whimsical name, suggesting it’s in an obscure location
12 Bridge House A house near a bridge
13 Never Inn A possibly humorous or peculiar inn name
14 Allswell A positive message, suggesting all is well
15 Honeysuckle Cottage A cottage near honeysuckle plants
16 The Old Post Office An old house that used to be a post office
17 Sunnyside A place with a sunny outlook
18 Pear Tree Cottage A cottage near pear trees
19 Ivy Cottage A cottage with ivy plants
20 The Old Post Office An old house that used to be a post office
21 White House A house that’s white in color
22 Ladybird Cottage A cottage named after ladybugs
23 Pineview Cottage A cottage with a view of pine trees
24 The Platinum Perch A place with a premium seating spot
25 The Seabreeze Bungalow A bungalow with a refreshing sea breeze
26 The Croft A small enclosed field
27 Springfield A field in spring
28 West View A place with a view to the west
29 Toad Hall A place possibly named after toads or frogs
30 Bunganail Inn A possibly unique or specific inn name
31 Highfield A place on high ground
32 Wattle It Be A whimsical name, suggesting uncertainty
33 Old School A place that was once a school
34 Quarters A place with designated living spaces
35 Firs A place with fir trees
36 Sunnyside A place with a sunny outlook
37 The Moonshadow Manor A place with moonlit shadows
38 Nook A small and cozy corner
39 The Oaks A place with oak trees
40 Braeside A place on a hillside or hill
41 Tanglewood A place with tangled or dense woods
42 Silver Birches A place with silver birch trees
43 Sea La Vie A whimsical name, suggesting a coastal location
44 The Stables A place with stables for horses
45 Lilac Cottage A cottage near lilac plants
46 Cosy Nook A cozy and small corner
47 Hill View A place with a view of hills
48 The Gate House A house with a gate
49 Greenacres A place with green fields
50 The Diamond Cottage A cottage with a diamond theme
51 Rosilian Hall A hall with a possibly unique name
52 Wynding Down A place with a winding or descending path
53 Beech Trees A place with beech trees
54 The Old Rectory An old house near a church
55 Wayside A place by the road
56 Highclere A possibly unique or specific place name
57 Willow Cottage A cottage near willow trees
58 Kickatinalong A whimsical or possibly unique name
59 Thornfield A place with thorny plants
60 Sunny Bank A place on a sunny slope
61 Cedarwood Manor A manor with cedarwood features
62 Sunnyside A place with a sunny outlook
63 Hollywell Cottage A cottage near holly plants
64 Waterfront A place by the water
65 Oaklands A place with oak trees
66 Bringacanatwo A whimsical or unique name
67 The Beer Cave A place named after beer or with beer-related features
68 The Coach House A house with features reminiscent of a coach
69 Brookside A place by the brook
70 The Piggery A place related to pigs or swine
71 Haven A place that’s a safe haven
72 Clarence A possibly unique or specific place name
73 The Peacock Palace A place with a peacock theme
74 Serenity House A peaceful and calming house
75 Krackatini A whimsical or unique name
76 Bijoux Beginnings A place with a beginning, possibly small or intricate
77 Woodside A place by the woods
78 Laurels A place with laurel plants
79 Simply Relax A place for simple relaxation
80 Grey Stones A place with gray stones or rocks
81 Hollyhock Cottage A cottage near hollyhock plants
82 Meadow A place with open fields or meadows
83 The Lodge A place that’s a lodge or cabin
84 Holly A place with holly plants
85 Havelock A possibly unique or specific place name
86 Shilly Chalet A chalet with a possibly unique name
87 The Barn A place with barn-like features
88 Morning Glory Cottage A cottage named after morning glory flowers
89 Tarts Hill A hill with a possibly humorous or peculiar name
90 Faraway A place that’s distant or remote
91 Hilltop B&B A bed and breakfast on a hilltop
92 Beerandbullshit Corner A possibly humorous or unique corner name
93 The Golden Gatehouse A gatehouse with golden features
94 Woodlands A place with wooded areas
95 The White House A house that’s white in color
96 Stables A place with stables for animals
97 White Lodge A lodge that’s white in color
98 Granary A place for storing grain
99 Tydaweedin A whimsical or unique name
100 The Lodge A place that’s a lodge or cabin

House Names in the UK: List-3

Ser. N. Nae of House Meaning
1 Oaklands A place with oak trees
2 Soddom Hall Possibly a unique or specific place name
3 The White Cottage A white-colored cottage
4 The Cuckoo’s Nest A nest for cuckoo birds
5 Coach House A house with features reminiscent of a coach
6 The Mount A place on a mount or hill
7 Halfpint Cottage A small cottage
8 Yew Tree Cottage A cottage near yew trees
9 Stagger Inn An inn with a possibly unique or humorous name
10 The Midnight Oasis A possibly tranquil place with a late-night vibe
11 Hillside A place on a hillside
12 Weona Possibly a unique or specific place name
13 Old School House An old house that used to be a school
14 Cartref A place with a possibly unique name
15 The Old Vicarage An old house for a vicar
16 Corner Cottage A cottage in a corner
17 The Bungalow A bungalow-style house
18 The Cottage A simple cottage
19 Cleeve Mill A mill near a place called “Cleeve”
20 Great Escape A place with an adventurous or escape theme
21 Rose Cottage A cottage with roses
22 Weownit Possibly suggesting ownership
23 Ringsend A place possibly named “Ringsend”
24 Holly Cottage A cottage near holly plants
25 New Lands A place possibly indicating new territory or lands
26 Seldomere A possibly unique or specific place name
27 The Old School House An old house that used to be a school
28 Mayfair A possibly elegant or high-end place
29 School House A house that was once a school
30 The Rustic Retreat A retreat with rustic or rural features
31 Primrose A place with primroses
32 April Cottage A cottage with an April theme
33 Corner A place located in a corner
34 The Old School House An old house that used to be a school
35 Park View A place with a view of a park
36 Upyonda Possibly suggesting a high or elevated location
37 The Garnet Manor A manor with garnet gemstone features
38 The Cottage A simple cottage
39 Wild Rose Cottage A cottage with wild roses
40 Avalon A possibly whimsical or unique name
41 Costa Lota A whimsical or unique name
42 Willow Cottage A cottage near willow trees
43 Ardgowan A possibly unique or specific place name
44 Princess Park Manor A manor with a princess theme
45 The Elms A place with elm trees
46 The Chapters A place with chapter-related features
47 Bedlam A place with a possibly chaotic or busy atmosphere
48 Woodlands A place with wooded areas
49 The Manse A manor or house
50 The Cottage A simple cottage
51 The Starlight Sanctuary A sanctuary with a starlight theme
52 Red House A house that’s red in color
53 Villa Bellissimo A beautiful villa
54 Manor Farm A farm with manor-like features
55 Mill House A house near a mill
56 Dunrunin Possibly a whimsical or unique name
57 The Bungalow A bungalow-style house
58 The School House A house that was once a school
59 Yew Tree Cottage A cottage near yew trees
60 Oak Dene A place with oak trees
61 Park House A house located in a park
62 The Amber Hideaway A hideaway with amber features
63 School House A house that was once a school
64 Treetops A place in the treetops
65 It’ll Do A place with a possibly relaxed or accepting attitude
66 Manor Farm A farm with manor-like features
67 Luxury Lodge A luxurious lodge
68 Avarest Possibly suggesting rest or respite
69 The Limes A place with lime trees
70 Frozanova Possibly whimsical or unique name
71 Dunroamin Possibly suggesting a place where there’s no hurry or worry
72 Papillon A place possibly named “Papillon”
73 The Last Straw A place where something is the final straw
74 Deja Views Possibly suggesting a sense of déjà vu or familiarity
75 The Velvet Mansion A mansion with velvet features
76 The Vicarage A house for a vicar or clergy
77 Crackatinnie A whimsical or unique name
78 Treetops A place in the treetops
79 Beeches A place with beech trees
80 The Last Resort A place seen as a last option or a final place to go
81 Ivy House A house with ivy plants
82 Hazeldene A place with hazel trees
83 Rose Villa A villa with rose-related features
84 Sycamowin A place with sycamore trees
85 White Cottage A white-colored cottage
86 Vicarage A house for a vicar or clergy
87 Hill House A house on a hill
88 Circlesend A place possibly named “Circlesend”
89 The Firs A place with fir trees
90 The Willows A place with willow trees
91 Gatsby Possibly named after F. Scott Fitzgerald’s character
92 High Field A place on high ground
93 The Cove A place near a cove or inlet
94 The Laurels A place with laurel plants
95 Belmont A place with a beautiful hill or hillside
96 The Rusty Anchor A place with a possibly rusty anchor
97 Elm Tree Wood Cottage A cottage in a wooded area with elm trees
98 Rose Cottage A cottage with roses
99 Wye Wurk Possibly whimsical or unique name
100 The Last Resort A place seen as a last option or a final place to go

House Names in the UK: List-4

Sr. N. Name of House Meaning
1 Green Ways Paths with a green landscape
2 Oak A place with oak trees
3 Toad Hall A place possibly named after toads or frogs
4 The Rectory A house that was once a rectory
5 Windy Ridge A ridge that’s windy or exposed to the wind
6 The Beeches A place with beech trees
7 Meadow View A view of a meadow or open field
8 The Ruby Residence A residence with ruby-themed features
9 Mill House A house near a mill
10 BytheWay A whimsical or unique name
11 Gables A place with gabled features
12 The Nook A cozy and small corner
13 The Gables A place with gabled features
14 Dolce Vita Villa A villa with a sweet or luxurious life theme
15 Bad Manors A whimsical name, suggesting it’s not well-behaved
16 Witsend A place suggesting a sense of confusion or difficulty
17 Langdon Manor A manor with a possibly unique or specific name
18 Duz Us Possibly suggesting a shared or communal space
19 The Hollies A place with holly plants
20 Beech Tree Cottage A cottage near beech trees
21 Orchard Cottage A cottage with an orchard
22 Piddle River A place near the Piddle River
23 The Willows A place with willow trees
24 La Costa Plenty A place suggesting plenty or abundance
25 Renovate Inn An inn possibly under renovation
26 Blissful B&B A bed and breakfast with a sense of bliss
27 Cyaluvyabi A whimsical or unique name
28 Eton Villa A villa with a possibly elegant or specific name
29 The Old Rectory An old house that used to be a rectory
30 Woodlands A place with wooded areas
31 Sunflower Villa A villa with sunflower-related features
32 Knotted Woods A place with densely tangled or knotted woods
33 The Winds A place with windy conditions
34 Orchard Cottage A cottage with an orchard
35 Lakeview Cottage A cottage with a view of a lake
36 Bedside Manor A manor with a possibly bedside theme
37 The Orchard A place with orchard features
38 Keepers Cottage A cottage for keepers or caretakers
39 The Cottage A simple cottage
40 Treetops A place in the treetops
41 Homeleigh A place that’s home-like and welcoming
42 Casa Palmera A house with palm-related features
43 The Haven A place that’s a safe haven
44 The Hidden Gem A place that’s hidden and valuable
45 The Filling Station A place that may have been a gas station
46 The Orchard A place with orchard features
47 Hillside A place on a hillside
48 Corner Cottage A cottage in a corner
49 Holly Cottage A cottage near holly plants
50 Mayfield A field in May
51 South View A place with a view to the south
52 Dunrobin Possibly a unique or specific place name
53 Da Crib A place that’s like a crib or a home
54 The Jade Palace A palace with jade-related features
55 The Warren A place possibly named “Warren”
56 Hillcrest A place on a hillcrest
57 Seldom Inn An inn with a sense of infrequent occurrence
58 Solaris A possibly unique or specific place name
59 Updown A place with variations in elevation
60 The Enchanted Cottage A cottage with an enchanted or magical theme
61 Kickatinalong Way A whimsical or unique name
62 Gnuwun A whimsical or unique name
63 The Firs A place with fir trees
64 The Nurses Home A home for nurses
65 The Old Rectory An old house that used to be a rectory
66 Pearly Gates A place possibly named “Pearly Gates”
67 Maison Terranova A house with a new world or “Terra Nova” theme
68 Lakeshore A place located by the shore of a lake
69 Justus A possibly unique or specific place name
70 The Beeches A place with beech trees
71 Stay and Sleep A place for staying and sleeping
72 Sheil Do A place possibly named “Sheil Do”
73 The Old Rectory An old house that used to be a rectory
74 The Grange A place with grange or farm features
75 Hill Top A place located at the top of a hill
76 The Barn A place with barn-like features
77 Hillside A place on a hillside
78 The Coach House A house with features reminiscent of a coach
79 The Barn A place with barn-like features
80 Barn Cottage A cottage with barn-like features
81 Meadow View A view of a meadow or open field
82 Dew Drop Inn An inn with a possibly refreshing or dew-related theme
83 Holiday Hideout A hideout or place for holidays
84 The Croft A place with croft or small farm features
85 Sierra Sky A place with a sky and possibly mountainous theme
86 Knightsbridge Manor A manor with a Knightsbridge or knightly theme
87 Lyndhurst A place possibly named “Lyndhurst”
88 Long Lover Lane A lane with a possibly romantic or affectionate name
89 The Emerald Castle A castle with emerald-related features
90 His’n’Hers A place possibly for both “his” and “hers”
91 The Homestead A place suggesting a sense of home and family
92 Noah’s Park A park possibly named after Noah or with an ark theme
93 Springfield A place possibly named “Springfield”
94 Dun Struglin Possibly suggesting a place of struggle or difficulty
95 Abbey Cottage A cottage near an abbey
96 Chevin Croft A croft with a possibly unique or specific name
97 The Old School House An old house that used to be a school
98 Garden Cottage A cottage with a garden
99 Bedlam A place with a possibly chaotic or busy atmosphere
100 Hawthorn View A view with hawthorn plants

House Names in the UK: List-5

Sr. N Name of House Meaning
1 Costa Lota A place named “Costa Lota”
2 Blow Inn An inn with a potentially unique or specific name
3 Comfort House A house designed for comfort
4 Crow Cottage A cottage with a crow theme
5 The Granary A place with granary features
6 Weedsenall Possibly a unique or specific place name
7 Ashanti A place named “Ashanti”
8 Wandarrannomore A whimsical or unique name
9 Restore The Chateau A chateau that has been restored
10 The Grange A place with grange or farm features
11 Little Valley A small valley
12 Robin Hill A hill with a robin bird theme
13 Orchard House A house with orchard features
14 The Willows A place with willow trees
15 Finally A place with a sense of “finally” or conclusion
16 The Post Office A place that was once a post office
17 Bramble Cottage A cottage with bramble or thorny plant features
18 Syca Shiftin Possibly a unique or specific place name
19 The Nook A cozy and small corner
20 Orchard A place with orchard features
21 Dunlukin Possibly suggesting a place with a laid-back attitude
22 Willow A place with willow trees
23 The Stables A place with stables for animals
24 Fairview A view that’s fair or pleasant
25 Green Gables A place with green gable-like features
26 Rosewood Retreat A retreat with rosewood features
27 Lyndale A place possibly named “Lyndale”
28 Fairview A view that’s fair or pleasant

Read this Also: Choosing the Perfect Name for Your House: 5 Factors to Consider


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